Greetings from Pasadena! Once again, it is good to hear from so many of you and feel the continuing trend toward unity and stability after our upsets of recent months. Also, I am very encouraged by the continuing growth in our overseas Work. Mr. Colin Adair sent in a report a few days ago that income in the Philippines, year-to-date, has grown to a 14 1/2% increase. Things are going along almost equally well in most of the international areas.
As many of you know, Mr. Armstrong has asked us to send out a "team" from headquarters in the G-I1 for the last three weeks running. These are all men who are able to explain the real truth regarding the recent legal attacks on God's Church and are able to answer any and all questions from the brethren about these matters — in addition to giving a sermon. The response from most areas has been very fine, and the vast majority of the brethren have been enthusiastically appreciative of the opportunity to hear directly from Pasadena headquarters about these matters and have some of their doubts and questions laid to rest, So we will be continuing these trips from time to time, and feel this is a fine use for the airplane and a real strengthening and unifying exercise for God's Church.
Decisions will be made this week on most of the sabbatical assignments, field transfers for sabbatical ministers, and related issues for the U.S. ministers. Some few assignments may have to be delayed, and we will be in contact with the area coordinators — as we have already been — and with the overseas directors as is needed.
We have made arrangements to have a class this next school year especially for the sabbatical wives. The exact format and teachers have not yet been decided, but we will be getting more information to all of you as soon as plans are complete.
We are also working on a questionnaire to send to all wives in the field. In order to better serve you, we need more information about all of you. Several here at headquarters are working on this questionnaire, so when complete, it will give a very good overall view of wives of the ministry.
All of you wives, worldwide, please be thinking of ways we here at headquarters could better serve, support and help you in your job of assisting your husbands in the work of the ministry.
Continuing progress has been made in planning our Evangelistic Campaigns! Halls in the following cities have already been selected for the upcoming campaigns and these cities have been approved by Mr. Herbert Armstrong: San Antonio, Denver, Pasadena, Seattle, Shreveport, Phoenix, Dallas. So be sure to tell your people about these upcoming campaigns and ask them to pray fervently for their success!
Finally, fellows, let's all be sure to sincerely examine ourselves before this Passover season. Even we in the ministry need to get much closer to God We need to recognize, again, that we are all called to be part of the very Government of God on this earth in a few years. We and our brethren are training to be kings and priest — to give orders and take orders in a right and positive spirit under a definite government structure. So we must learn to be loyal and supportive of God's government through his Church NOW. We must learn to look beyond ourselves — beyond all men — and recognize that the living Jesus Christ is the overall director and orchestrator and leader of the major events, doctrines, decisions and actions within the very Church which is His body. We need to have renewed and deepened faith in his shed blood to blot out our spiritual sins — including even sins of attitude as well as action. Likewise, we need to have a deepened faith and realization that He really is our Healer — and that His broken body which we portray with the broken bread at Passover time Pictures the healing which God has made possible for us today. Then we need to build an "atmosphere of faith" in each and every local congregation of God's Church, worldwide, regarding Christ as our Savior, our Healer, our living, active Head and High Priest at God's right hand.
Please pray for Mr. Herbert Armstrong and for all of us in leadership positions in God's Work. We need his special love, wisdom, guidance and strength. And pray for one another and all of God's people, especially at this Passover season.
Our best wishes and sincere prayers will be with all of you.