Many questions have been asked about the status of Y.O.U. during this time of crisis. Due to the substantial and long-range financial commitment, which obviously is impossible at this time, the National Basketball and Cheerleading competition has been indefinitely postponed. Basketball and Cheerleading will continue, however, through the regional competition. Planning for other activities will continue uninterrupted at this time. If finances stabilize by the end of April they will continue on schedule. (We will keep you posted on this matter.)
Our co-ordinator training meetings, normally scheduled for Spring, will also be postponed. We are considering using a tape cassette program to get information to all local co-ordinators in the meantime. These cassettes would be prepared by various members of the Y.O.U. team as well as by other individuals within the general headquarters team of ministers and college instructors. These would not necessarily be intended to replace the meetings, but merely to supplement them and to postpone the urgency of them.
Plans for the Summer Educational Program are going along on schedule right now. We are currently accepting applications for qualified high school age workers to work at Orr this summer. If you have anyone in your congregation who would be interested in working at S.E.P. this summer, have them request a job application as soon as possible. Camper applications will be sent out in about a month. (We can put off a final decision on S.E.P. until April 15 if necessary, by continuing to plan for it.) In the event that we have to cancel it, we will let you know and will refund any deposits that have been paid for campers.
We would strongly encourage you to continue to promote the local programs and to continue to fulfill the requirements for local chapters. We need your help at this time in assuring the young people of God's Church that their program is still very much alive. Please be sure the young people know that the program has not been and will not be abandoned. It has proven itself to be a vital part of the Church, and leaders are committed to a continuation of the program. In the meantime, those of us here at Pasadena will do our best to continue to develop the program to a higher level of involvement for all the youth. If we can assist you in any way, let us know.
Progress on the development of Y.E.S. materials is continuing on schedule at the present time. Printing and distribution may be slowed later for financial reasons. Hopefully, we can still meet our production schedules as we know how helpful this program can be for your local churches.