The following persons have been recently disfellowshipped from the Worldwide Church of God:
David Antion Garner Ted Armstrong Benjamin Chapman Howard Clark C. Wayne Cole Ronald Dart Anita Dennis Bill Evans John Hull Robert Justus Tom Justus Robert Kuhn Bill McDowell Dave Morgan Charles Oehlman Richard Plache Chester Roberson Earl Timmons
There can be nothing but praise for the many thousands of members who have given of themselves in support of the Church. Whether it was the act of writing a letter, giving up work and school to attend the marathon services, or those who had the opportunity of working round the clock, each played and will continue to play a vital role in our effort. THOUSANDS of letters continue to pour in, which show to each of us the uniting of the members of the Church behind the leadership. If the courts won't listen to our leaders, then let the court hear the written cries of the members demanding religious freedom and the right to practice their beliefs as guaranteed in this nation.
MR. HERBERT ARMSTRONG IS TRULY PLEASED with the support from the Body of Christ. The war isn't over by any means, but with your support it is much easier to fight on every front. Mr. Armstrong has just written a letter commenting further on the present crisis in God's Work, which you should be receiving soon.