When the "Systematic Theology Project" was passed out to all ministers at last January's conference, I am sure those unauthorized to have handed it out — or even to have prepared it — intended it to be an ASSIGNMENT for every minister to read and study thoroughly, for it was represented to you (falsely) as the official doctrines and beliefs of the Worldwide Church of God.

   Robert Kuhn, Ph.D., and perhaps one or two others, scholars, of this world's higher education, wanted God's doctrines put in the form and order of modern scholarship.

   I have said before — and quoted U.S. Senator Hayakawa, former university professor and president — that this modern academic scholarship does INTIMIDATE students on the college level, and those starting in graduate work at a university.

   But did it ever occur to us that the greatest author, educator and revealer of knowledge of all — the real author of the world's greatest seller — and least understood Book, the Holy Bible, did not organize and systematize His revelation and dissemination of TRUTH in this "scholarly" manner!

   Up to a certain point — the history of ancient Israel, the historical account is largely in orderly sequence — but God's most important revelation of HIS TRUTH — HIS DOCTRINES AND BELIEFS — which He wanted to be those of His Church, are here. a little, and there a little. They are not in orderly sequence, not in what "scholars" in the world's universities would consider a "Systematic Theology Project".

   Well WHAT then? Are we to conclude that God is ignorant, unlearned, unscholarly — and inferior to self-exalted scholars of our day?

   I think not.

   Fellow ministers, we are not OF this world! We do not — must not-operate by its standards. God has-called us OUT from the world, to be SEPARATE — His people, doing things His way.

   So I say to you that the new book, The Incredible HUMAN POTENTIAL, is a portion of what the "STP" was supposed to be — an EXPOSITION OF THE doctrines, beliefs, practices and traditions of the Worldwide Church of God!

   It is presented, NOT in the academic system of "higher criticism". Neither is God's Book, supreme over all, It is not an academically systematized order. But it is written in a style which we hope the reading public will find interesting, revealing, eye-opening, containing Christ's Message in an easy-to-read manner that does not require a Ph.D. to decipher. It is written as God has revealed to me He wants it written. And it covers a multitude of vital truths that have been totally glossed over by organized "Christianity", truths that neither science nor education nor organized religion can answer — the MOST IMPORTANT TRUTHS in life.

   And so, as I know Jesus Christ would have me de, I make the reading, AND CAREFUL STUDY of this book AN ASSIGNMENT.

   Please do not just read it. STUDY IT! Read it again and again. Preach sermons from it!

   This book will be on the market in book stores, I am now informed, by April. Also an up-dated edition, hard cover, of The World TOMORROW — What it Will be Like.

   I am presently coming in on the home stretch in writing another book I have decided to title, A VOICE CRIES OUT AMID RELIGIOUS CONFUSION. It will also present absolute PROOFS of the one true church — as well as SEVEN TRUTHS that decry religious confusion. This book will cover a certain amount of the same ground as the present book, but with an entirely different approach. I hope to have it in book stores by May or June.

   Others on the way are The 7 Laws of Success — a much enlarged edition, hard cover, and The United States and Britain in Prophecy-also updated.

   Millions buy books and spend time on books instead of TV and magazines. The book stores and shops offer us AN ENTIRE NEW OPEN DOOR — A TOTALLY NEW AUDIENCE to reach in the United States, Canada, and Britain, and English-speaking countries. If this becomes a big enough success, we can have the books translated and made available in other languages.

   But be sure to read and study HUMAN POTENTIAL before the next January conference.

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Pastor General's ReportNovember 22, 1978Vol 2 No. 43