Roger G Lippross  

Things are back in full swing here in Pasadena after the Festival. Brian Knowles, Dexter· Faulkner and I are working together on revitalizing our publications.

Please announce in all U.S. churches that those heads of household who didn't receive their free copy of The Incredible Human Potential should write to Pasadena and request one. Mr. Armstrong wants everybody to have a copy. The Mail Processing Department will handle these requests just as they do all other literature requests. Books should arrive in about 4 to 6 weeks. In Canada, ministers should announce that those who didn't receive their family's free copy should write the Vancouver office.

All U.S. Co-Workers were recently sent a letter offering them a free copy of Mr. Armstrong's book. Canadian Co-Workers will be sent a similar letter from the Vancouver office. We anticipate about 30,000 responses from U.S. and Canadian Co-Workers. So, if a co-worker requests a book, please explain to them that they will soon receive a letter offering them a free copy.

Members or Co-Workers wanting additional copies can order them at $4.00 per copy through February of 1979. The book will then be available in bookstores in early spring for the general public.

All International offices will be shipped the quantity of books they requested. Shipments will leave Pasadena the first part of December.

One last note regarding the AICF film which was shown during the Festival. The film is available to all local church areas if any pastors wish to have another showing for those who may have missed it. For example, I heard that many at Saratoga Springs could not see the film due to bad lighting in the Auditorium. Please contact Ted Herlofson or myself about obtaining this film.

— Roger Lippross, Publishing Department

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Pastor General's ReportOctober 31, 1978Vol 2 No. 40