Brian Knowles  

The October-November issue of the U.S. Plain Truth is now off the press. In it we have begun to run the newly titled United States and Britain in Prophecy. We will continue to run this series until it is completed — then a new full-sized book on the subject will replace the present booklet. At this point I'm not sure whether Mr. Armstrong wishes to publish this commercially or in the usual way. As soon as we have more information on that we'll let you know.

In addition we are also making the healing series from the Good News into a booklet. It will take 4 to 6 weeks to get that printed if everything goes according to the usual schedule on such things.

Roger Lippross informs me that the much-maligned "sex cover" PT (April issue) did extremely well on the newsstands — in fact, the best of any cover so far.

I've just gotten permission to implement a couple of administrative changes: Some time ago the Worldwide News (now the Good News) was placed under my administration along with the Correspondence Course and the PASTOR'S REPORT. These were all lumped under "Editorial Services." Since I have' had little functional involvement in either of these areas, I have requested that the principle men involved, Dexter Faulkner and Richard Sedliacik, report directly to Mr. Armstrong and/or Mr. Rader. From now on if you have any input for any of the above mentioned publications, please fee l free to write or call those two men directly.

We're trying to get everything done before the Feast. Present plans call for my family and I to keep the Festival in England at the invitation of Mr. Brown.

That's it for now — have a great feast!

— Brian Knowles, Editorial Services

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Pastor General's ReportOctober 03, 1978Vol 2 No. 39