Ron Dick  

The 1978 annual International Youth Conference is just around the corner. Plans are being made for a December 26 through December 30 schedule somewhere in the midwest. The most promising sites are in Oklahoma and Kansas.

It is impossible to have the conference in Pasadena because there are too many representatives to house on campus. To offset the housing costs it is necessary to choose a central location, thereby saving the difference on transportation costs and travel time.

Again this year we are planning on having two representatives from each Y.O.U. chapter — one boy and one girl. We will send you forms in a future mailing to complete with the names of your representatives. The deadline for the return of that information will be November 1, 1978. Transportation for the representatives will be paid from Headquarters for those from churches with current chapter memberships. (Any Church which has not yet renewed its chapter charter may want to do so soon in preparation for the conference.) Others wishing to send representatives are welcome to come at their own expense. We are now making arrangements for the featured speakers and workshop sessions. More detailed information will be forthcoming as the program becomes finalized.

We are planning to tape the featured speakers for distribution to all chapters after the conference. No tapes of the workshops will be sent, but the workshop moderators will provide an outline of the important points which will be sent to the chapters along with the tapes. This will cut down on the expense of taping and mailing costs and still provide a written verification of what was said for the convenience of all pastors and Y.O.U. coordinators.

We are looking forward to an exciting and profitable conference and will continue to keep you posted as we go.

— Ron Dick, Y.O.U.

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Pastor General's ReportSeptember 25, 1978Vol 2 No. 38