Robert L Kuhn  

On Thursday, August 24, the first meeting of the Media Coordination Team was held. About 20 men, representing all the major areas of the Work, participated. All shared a real enthusiasm for both the concept and the initial execution of such cooperative and creative efforts dedicated to supporting Mr. Armstrong in doing God's Work. The minutes follow immediately.

— Robert Kuhn

Mr. Wayne Cole began by introducing the objectives and functions of the Media Team, stressing that our primary purpose was the analysis and coordination of information for Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong's consideration. Robert Kuhn added that the team would "recommend," and that Mr. Rader's close association with Mr. Armstrong will make the Work's efforts successful since we can now be sure that Mr. Armstrong will always be fully informed about, and in full control of, all activities.

The involvement of Church Administration, represented by Mr. Wayne Cole, Art Mokarow and Ted Herlofson, will greatly enhance the Team's capacity to integrate information across the entire spectrum of the Work's responsibilities. Now we can track, analyze and discuss the progress and patterns of people who respond to our message — whether on T.V., radio, P.T. newsstands, etc. — and follow them through their progressive involvement with our literature and up through initial Church contact and baptism.

The established general procedure calls for each meeting to open with brief "updates" on the major areas of the Work — Church, Television-Radio, Editorial, Mail/ Subscriber Service, Publishing, Media Analysis, etc. Then, after whatever introductory discussions are needed, will follow 1 or 2 detailed reports on specific areas of the Work.

Mr. Rader emphasized the opportunity we all have to work together as a team in supporting Mr. Armstrong to fulfill the Great Commission; that the department heads will be working together as a team; that the Financial area will work together with the various departments to determine and control budgets and activities; and that we have a real opportunity for interaction and creativity in doing the Work. Mr. Rader was especially desirous of bringing and keeping Mr. Armstrong completely up to date with respect to our backlog of spot commercials, administrative procedures in each area, etc. He therefore requested all reports which must be written to be duplicated in larger type for Mr. Armstrong. Mr. Rader and Mr. Cornwall reviewed our relationship with our time-buying agency, emphasizing both the nature of the industry and our own control prerogatives and responsibilities in our continuing relationship with Ed Libov Associates.

Mr. Rice began an in-depth presentation of our current system in working with "new adds" to our file. He explained how the new system was designed in very close cooperation with Mr. Armstrong and would very markedly and dramatically put the "Worldwide Church of God" out front as well as reduce the average time for an individual to cycle through our system from three years to one year. It is obviously too early to determine the actual effectiveness of this program, but the general consensus was extremely favorable to the well-thought-out concepts and techniques to help bring people along. Requiring new subscribers to request all literature, including their P.T. subscription, results in a more realistic list, greater involvement and higher financial efficiency.

The desirability of increasing the number of people on our mailing list, at the most efficient cost of acquisition, was highlighted by two facts: 1) an almost constant percentage of subscribers who go on to become Donors, CoWorkers, and Members (10%, 1%,.1% respectively); 2) the need to galvanize the ministry into an effective, action-oriented force. However, as we move "upfront" in telling people about the Church, as Mr. Armstrong has directed, these percentages may change significantly.

An animated discussion of the current state of the ministry, led by Messrs. Cole, Mokarow and Herlofson, followed — how prepared our men are for crisis counseling, how they can become better trained to meet the needs of the 1980s, how they can learn to become more professional ministers, and how we need to select and prepare men for the self-sacrificing life of dedication to the brethren which must be the hallmark of the true minister of God. The conclusion was unanimous that the ministry needs a sense of fulfillment!

The first meeting of the Media Team was enthusiastically appreciated by all, and the open discussions of many areas of the Work highlighted our great mutual opportunities for the future. Of particular importance was the necessity for continuing a close integration between all media departments and the Church.

The meeting concluded with the following assignments for future thought, presentation and discussion:

1) Data gathering and tracking. Analysis of procedures and efficiency ideas.

2) Criteria for acquisition efficiency analysis such as cost per response vs. cost per renewal vs. cost per donor, etc.

3) P.T. content to conform to Mr. H.W.A.'s directives and attentive to subscriber feedback.

4) Innovative T.V. productions.

5) Direct mail techniques learned from Quest/78 with applications for efficient subscriber acquisition for the P.T.

6) Booklet distribution in public places such as P.T. newsstands.

7) Fair Booths.

8) Human Potential Center as a vehicle for Church service to the brethren and the local congregations.

9) International Publishing Coordination.

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Pastor General's ReportAugust 28, 1978Vol 2 No. 33