By far the most important book ever published by this Church is scheduled to be ready for distribution at the coming Feast of Tabernacles.
I will say this personally — not because I wrote it, but because CHRIST inspired it and because it contains the real entire story of the Bible from earliest pre-history on past the creation of man, the PURPOSE of man, ancient Israel, Christ and His Gospel, the CHURCH TODAY, and on past the millennium into the ETERNITY beyond that shall then see the absolutely INCREDIBLE Human Potential finally fulfilled and IN ACTION over the universe!
Never has there been a book like it.
Jesus Christ inspired it — I feel that I was merely like a stenographer, typing it so it could be printed. Therefore I think I may say freely and SINCERELY, I feel this book, The Incredible HUMAN POTENTIAL, is the most important writing since the finishing of the Bible itself, at the end of the first century.
I believe you will find it SPEAKS AS NO MAN HAS SPOKEN IN OUR TIME! It is truly eye-opening. It is SHOCKING! It is GRIPPING with interest — and a dynamic presentation of CHRIST'S MESSAGE TO MANKIND — the Message hidden from the world for 19 centuries.
It will be a QUALITY book — not a paperback, but full book length — and will be also available at book stores about Passover time next year, all over the United States, Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, and other English-speaking countries.
We have never before published a book of this character and quality, and of necessity it will have a price on it — otherwise we could not give it this worldwide distribution through book stores.
For the world, outside of God's Church, it will be STARTLING, ASTONISHING, FASCINATING, GRIPPING and POWERFUL!
I have been working long and hard on it these past months, in addition to the other responsibilities I have had to assume in taking back to myself full executive leadership in God's Church, College, Foundation, and Work.
Look forward to it! All income from its sale will go into God's Church — not to me or any other individual.