From Herbert W. Armstrong to all ministers to be announced this Sabbath, June 17, 1978: "Mr. Garner Ted Armstrong is taking a leave of absence from the Work. He will be absent from his duties for the remainder of this calendar year. The following appeared In the June 13, 1978 issue of the Pasadena Star-News and is being reproduced by permission of the Star-News. Banned by fatherGarner Ted off air again [See page 9 of PDF for article published by Dick Lloyd in the Star-News]
From Herbert W. Armstrong to all ministers to be announced this Sabbath, June 17, 1978:
"Mr. Garner Ted Armstrong is taking a leave of absence from the Work. He will be absent from his duties for the remainder of this calendar year.
The following appeared In the June 13, 1978 issue of the Pasadena Star-News and is being reproduced by permission of the Star-News.
Banned by fatherGarner Ted off air again
[See page 9 of PDF for article published by Dick Lloyd in the Star-News]
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