You find us this week very busy, as usual. The main topic, of course, is the preparation of our department budgets for 1978/79. We are continually trying to find ways of being more cost effective in our publishing areas. As the budget permits, we plan to do even more to expand our Plain Truth circulation this coming year. One relatively new idea for the Plain Truth we've tried recently is the use of outside mailing lists. We purchased a trial list from Prevention Magazine and mailed a promotion offer of a trial subscription to the Plain Truth. This has proved to be quite successful and opens up a totally new avenue for spreading the gospel. Initial response has been very encouraging. The respondees are progressing so fast that quite a large percentage have already requested the Correspondence Course.
Another point of interest: our printer for the Plain Truth and Quest/78 recently informed us again that the quality of the film we supply to them for printing is better and more consistent than the top publishers including Time, Inc., Ziff Davis, NBC, etc. They say that our packages are better organized and reflect very well on our organization. Comments like this are very encouraging to our fellows in Printing Services here in Pasadena who handle the total preparation of film for the over 20 printers we deal with worldwide.