We did want to get something to you this week concerning events of the last few days, but we're already late with the Pastor's Report, so we don't have much time for a long report.
On Monday, May 8th, Mr. Armstrong asked all the Area Coordinators from the U.S. and Canada to come to his home in Tucson. He updated all of us on the recent changes. It was gratifying to hear his open comments concerning the focus of the Work.
Mr. Armstrong said he will be writing to you about the recent changes. He plans to speak in Pasadena to the entire Headquarter's church this coming Sabbath, and will also take the Friday evening Bible study. Naturally, he will be sending you the tapes of both the Bible study and the Sabbath service to be played in your local congregations. In addition, Mr. Armstrong will be sending a personal letter to all the brethren.
The Area Coordinators were encouraged to see his growing stamina and very good spirits. He spent a considerable amount of time focusing on the primary purposes of the Work, and the course that would be taken in prioritizing our many activities. He will have much more to say to you regarding those areas discussed.
In light of Mr. Armstrong's directives, the Coordinators have stayed over in Pasadena to discuss administrative procedures and will be informing you personally upon their return to their respective areas.
Sorry for the brevity of this report, but I will be communicating with you further in the next Pastor's Report.