A very sincere "hello" to all YOU fellow ministers and your wives. It's exciting to be working again with you in our mutual service to the people of God in His Church, and our fellowman in reaching out with the beautiful message Christ brought — the "pearl of great price" — the hope of eternal life — the Kingdom of God!
Mr. Ted Armstrong's transcript of the Area Coordinators Meeting of March 20th explaining the role of the local pastor, urging him to be deeply involved in fulfilling the GREAT COMMISSION in both the feeding of the flock as well as "planting the seed" which builds the flock, presents a very exciting challenge.
We have had meetings with Ted to discuss details following his mailing of the transcript to all Pastors of Churches. It is fully realized that you need to have specifics in order to fulfill this objective. Believe me, such instruction, devotion, and assistance will be given. With our combined efforts, prayers and devotion to God and His Work, we are confident we can do a powerful job even more effectively.
What better time could there be than now during this Passover season to preach some moving sermons about Jesus Christ, His Church, His message, our destiny, our hope — messages about the need to "reap the harvest in human life" that may be awaiting our care in reaching out to them in our respective communities.
Rather than, sending you one specific sermon outline, we are reproducing several papers submitted to us as suggestions for sermon topics. Hopefully, you can find very helpful and relevant ideas in these notes and build them into your own moving and powerful, deeply felt sermons. The following sermon suggestions are being reproduced basically as we received them. If any of you have further suggestions or ideas which you think others may find helpful, please send them to us.