For a few months now Subscriber Development has been offering "Sermon Summaries" to our donor and co-worker audience. These Summaries are brief, capsulizations of selected sermons given here in Pasadena — and, in appearance, resemble small reprint articles. They are being used as a "feeding tool" by Subscriber Development — to give additional spiritual teaching to our contributors and help motivate them toward even closer involvement with the Work, as God calls.
For eleven of the past twelve weeks, Sermon Summaries have ranked among the top 20 pieces of literature sent out by MPC. In fact, the Summaries have been among the top five pieces of literature requested by co-workers! 23,000 Summaries have been requested. This is a very good response, considering that the only place they are being advertised is in Worldwide Church of God monthly and weekly receipts to co-workers and donors. Monthly receipt responses have topped 40% and weekly receipts are averaging about 25%.