PLEASE ANNOUNCE: Due to the overwhelming number of requests for the Bible Hymnals, we are sorry to announce that the supply of hymnals is now exhausted. Any further requests for hymnals can not be honored and your check will be returned to you. Hymnals will again be offered to the members at a future date.
Concerning Eleanor Ivy: If any of you Pastors have any questions about this young woman please contact Larry Neff, pastor in Tucson, Arizona.
We are getting inquiries as to the availability of Mr. GTA's book, THE REAL JESUS, on tape. The Radio Production Department reports that it is not going to be recorded.
In response to Mr. Ted Armstrong's recent letter stating that members should pay tithes and offerings to the Church, some members have asked if this applies to those on the matching gifts program. Our attorney, Mr. Ralph Helge, has sent a letter to all on the program stating that gift matching is a special exception and that it is permissible to continue as they were (The matter can be accounted and compensated for in budgeting).