In his continuing efforts to make the Church easily accessible, Mr. Ted Armstrong has approved the listing of the Church's WATS line number in telephone directory yellow pages across America. The phone number will appear in all metropolitan directories where there is a local congregation.
A major reason for this new advertising medium is to help people contact the Work — even when they miss or forget the WATS line number given on the radio/television programs. After the number appears in the directories, Mr. Armstrong plans to remind listeners and viewers every so often that they can "check their yellow pages" for our WATS number.
When listeners or viewers call Pasadena, trained operators will handle their literature requests — or in cases needing ministerial counsel, refer the caller's phone number to the local minister for follow-up. Such a procedure will help keep the ministry's home phones from being bombarded with "general information" calls.
Original plans had considered listing the WATS number in the white pages also, next to local pastors' phone numbers, but costs have proved this to be prohibitive. Because of printing schedules of telephone directories (directories are printed only once a year), it will probably be next fall before the WATS line listings begin to appear across the country.