Know The Answer?
After the reign of what King, did the kingdom of Israel become divided.

I Kings 12:20
Pastor's Report PolicyPastor's Report Policy
Pastor General Staff  

Because of a significant number of requests for the Pastor's Report from ministers who are not pastors of churches, and from non-ordained people, we feel it is necessary to restate and further clarify the policy regarding who should receive the report. The following is our statement of purpose for the Pastor's Report: The weekly Pastor's Report is designed to provide all church pastors of the Worldwide Church of God with a medium by which they can receive late-breaking news of activities within the Church and its multifaceted worldwide Work. It provides the pastors and key people in top management positions in the Church and in Ambassador College with information regarding important developments quickly, systematically, accurately, and in advance of other church members, church and college employees and the general public.

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Pastor General's ReportFebruary 27, 1978Vol 2 No. 6