Know The Answer?
Who are we: We are scattered and very small. We are persecuted by all. We keep God's commandments and it sure makes us a happy lot. One day we will shed this body, and rise to meet Jesus Christ in the sky.
The Church of God
Quest International DebutQuest International Debut
Jack Martin  

QUEST/78 was recently simultaneously launched in more than 20 countries. Two areas of particular significance were Britain and South Africa. Because of Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong's recent trips to South Africa, it was decided to invest in a small promotion budget to announce QUEST/78. In addition to ads in the press and on cinema screens, Liam Nolan (International Editor) and Tony Vinter (International Circulation Director) were interviewed on radio, T.V. and by the press. Following are excerpts of some of the press clippings:

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Pastor General's ReportFebruary 13, 1978Vol 2 No. 4