Know The Answer?
Who gave her son to the Lord?

Samuel 1:11, 20

What is the Image of the BEAST?
Plain Truth Magazine
April-May 1940
Volume: Vol V, No.2
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What is the Image of the BEAST?

Millions, right here in America, are worshipping the "image of the Beast" today, and do not know it! The time is soon Coming when those who refuse this false way of worship shall be MARTYRED! And it is those, of this very present generation, who are participating in this popular idolatry who shall suffer the unspeakable tortures of the SEVEN LAST PLAGUES. The time is AT HAND! All - including you and me - must soon decide. Either we shall have to suffer at the hand of MAN, or at the Hand of GOD! WHY are all the churches baffled over the true identity of this "Image?" WHY?? We shall tell you in this article. It is PLAIN to those who are willing to know!

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Plain Truth MagazineApril-May 1940Vol V, No.2