This is the largest PLAIN TRUTH so far printed. It is not, as yet, quite the new PLAIN TRUTH we are striving to achieve, but I believe it's a big step in that direction, Unforseen developments also make necessary B little further delay in our fervent desire to issue The PLAIN TRUTH every month, But I am confident of our ability to publish this twice-as-large PLAIN TRUTH bi-monthly, meanwhile. I would personally like to know how you like this double-size number, Is it interesting? Are you learning things from it? Much space is devoted to the new AMBASSADOR COLLEGE. It's literally breath-taking, the way God is guiding this work, opening almost unbelievable opportunities for service, blessing it with precious "fruit" for His Kingdom! I will appreciate it deeply, as a personal favor, if you'll write me a personal letter telling what you think of it.
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