GREETINGS, CO-WORKERS! This is SPECIAL, and very URGENT! I'm writing you from the desert. I've come here, with Mrs. Armstrong, to accomplish, thru a long rest, and a fast, a complete rejuvenation physically and mentally and spiritually. I had gotten into such physical condition that I could not have carried on the work another three months. The very life of this great work depended on my getting away to recharge the energy - batteries. I have not been sick, in the usual sense of the word. I'm never sick. But the intense pressure of the heavy responsibilities I carry - the many duties I have to perform - the stress and strain of fighting on, almost night and day, doing several men's work, has brought about a condition where I have just tightened up, become so nervously tense, that I have approached a nervous break-down - my food doesn't digest properly, and even tho I carefully watch the diet, my stomach is constantly upset.
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