Should the British be condemned for such an elaborate coronation? The real truth is SHOCKING! Dick Armstrong was there. Here is the TRUTH.
London, England. On the second of June, I witnessed the coronation procession of Queen Elizabeth II in London, England. I have just returned for a visit home from London, where I have been residing, in the interest of the broadcast now being heard in England and all Europe over Radio Luxembourg. My plane had landed at Idylwild International Airport, New York. I was the only passenger on the bus from Idylwild to La Guardia Field, where I was to take a plane for Los Angeles. A conversation with the bus driver was typical of a widespread American attitude toward royalty and such an elaborate coronation ceremony.
An American's Opinion
"I don't go for all this king business," the bus driver said. We here in America have shied away from monarchies, and prided ourselves on our democratic form of government. But the real TRUTH about the British Royal Family, and the British coronation ceremony is a surprising revelation to many Americans. In another article in this issue, Herman L. Hoeh reveals the astonishing fact that Elizabeth II actually sits on the throne of King David of ISRAEL — that she is a direct descendant, continuing David's dynasty — the VERY THRONE on which Christ shall sit after His return to earth in all divine power and glory! It is my purpose to give you the astonishing facts about the CORONATION CEREMONY. Few know its true BIBLE
Origin of Coronation Ceremony
Few people in the United States realize that the coronation ceremony is one that was instituted by God as His way of crowning the kings of his people of Israel. This ceremony has been carried down from the times of Solomon, whom David had crowned King of Israel. Turn to I Kings, chapter 1, and you will read where the ceremony was originated. David said (verses 32-36): "Take with you the servants of your lord, and cause Solomon my son to ride upon mine mule, and bring him down to Gihon: And let Zadok the priest and Nathan the prophet anoint him there king over Israel: and blow ye with the trumpet, and say, God save King Solomon." As you read on you will find that the crowning of Solomon was cause for a great celebration and trumpets were sounded. "The people piped pipes and rejoiced with great joy, so that the earth rent with the sound of them." Notice that the people were told to shout "God save King Solomon" — the same as the people of Britain shouted "God Save Queen Elizabeth, Long Live the Queen, May the Queen Live Forever." The meaning of this ovation is explained in the ceremony itself. The bishops of the church pray that the Queen may he granted eternal life by the Saviour, that she may be granted to rule under God forever — not in this present life, as everyone knows that kings and queens die the same as anyone else, but in the life to come, after the resurrection In the Abbey of Westminster, just before and at the moment of crowning, the choir sings this anthem written by George Handel: "Zadok the Priest, and Nathan the Prophet Anointed Solomon King: And all the people rejoiced and said: God save the King! Long live the King! May the King live for ever. Amen. Allelujah!"
Pagan Customs Enter Ceremony
Because all governments of this world have strayed from the true ways of God, many pagan practices have been introduced into the coronation. God originally ordained the coronation ceremony — the blowing of trumpets, the music, the anointing and the crowning. Yet He has allowed men to pervert it. The anointing was done with the pagan sign of the cross; the Queen had to promise to defend the authority of the Church of England — not the Church of God. But the basis for the entire ceremony is still as it was in days of old for the kings of Israel. Elizabeth II was crowned "Queen of thy people Israel." She recognizes the fact that God rules and she is only granted the privilege of ruling under Him. One of the pieces of regalia used in the coronation ceremony of Queen Elizabeth II is known as the Orb. It is a gold plated silver sphere topped with a cross which symbolizes the earth under the rule of God.
Government of God Supreme
Thus the supremacy of God over the kings and governments of this earth is recognized throughout the ceremony used to crown British royalty today. But recognition is not enough! Peace cannot again come to this earth until all governments of the world both recognize and SUBMIT to God as the Supreme Ruler, and follow His ways. With the nations of the world seething with unrest — with the very existence of mankind now imperiled by hydrogen bomb warfare — it is significant that even the crowning of a human Queen on the throne of David has given the British people a new feeling of hope and security. But how much more red security will come to this world when a divine King is sitting on this same throne — the King of Kings — Jesus Christ. Britain's coronation ceremony proves that she once recognized God's AUTHORITY above all rulers. If you haven't yet read the amazing truth about the House of Israel — the truth about Britain's and our own national identity — be sure to write for my father's free booklet, "The United States in Prophecy."