Know The Answer?
When Israel crossed the Jordan who first had to step into the water?
The priests.

Joshua 3:15

WHY World Chaos?
Plain Truth Magazine
April 1954
Volume: Vol XIX, No.3
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WHY World Chaos?

The real CAUSE of this world's ills and of your individual troubles is little understood. Here is the reason - and the ONLY solution. In spite of earnest attempts to bring about a lasting peace - WAR still looms ahead. With the emergence of the hydrogen bomb - the possibility of global destruction is now a reality! Although we are warned that the only solution is world government - all attempts at really achieving this objective have failed miserably. WHY? Why also, are the individual lives of people the world over increasingly filled with anxiety, frustration, and suffering? Newstands and bookstores are well stocked with the written ideas of men on how to achieve "peace of mind" and the "happy life" so many long for. But the increase in suicides, in broken homes, in "mental breakdowns" is alarming.

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Plain Truth MagazineApril 1954Vol XIX, No.3