Know The Answer?
Who became queen instead of Vashti?

Esther 2:17

PROPHESIED TO HAPPEN to the United States and Britain! - Installment 7
Plain Truth Magazine
August-September 1954
Volume: Vol XIX, No.7
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PROPHESIED TO HAPPEN to the United States and Britain! - Installment 7

Where are the United States, the British Commonwealth and the democracies of Northwestern Europe mentioned in Bible prophecy? In this seventh installment of Mr. Armstrong's forthcoming book, we bring you the startling ANSWER! SYNOPSIS OF PREVIOUS INSTALLMENTS: Aggressor nations covet our wealth. The British lifeline at Singapore is in serious danger at this very moment! Few realize that our vast wealth and resources - our control of the seas were promised to the patriarch Abraham and to his descendants. To Abraham dual promises were made. The Sceptre promise of a kingly line and of the Messiah were transmitted to his great - grandson Judah (Gen. 49:10), but the material promises of the Birthright - of vast national wealth and power, of control of the gateways to the sea - were not given to the Jews.

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Plain Truth MagazineAugust-September 1954Vol XIX, No.7