Know The Answer?
What am I: I am a place of safety for anyone who accidentally killed another. A person who caused an accidental death could take refuge with in my walls, until he stood before the congregation on trial.
City of Refuge.

Joshua 20

THE MILLENNIUM... Fact or Fiction?
Plain Truth Magazine
February 1956
Volume: Vol XXI, No.2
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THE MILLENNIUM... Fact or Fiction?

We bring you here, in print, the full text of the recent Coast-to-Coast Telecast on this vital subject. This world is changing fast. What would Abraham Lincoln think, or, even later, Queen Victoria, if they could see our world today? Science and industry are working feverishly to usher in the fantastic pushbutton world that they promise by 1975. Today, we begin to hear increasing talk about a millennium - and it's no fiction. WHERE Are We Headed? Now I have before me a clipping out of a magazine that I was reading on a non-stop flight from Chicago to Los Angeles not so long ago. It's intended to be funny, but it set me to thinking. The caption is, "The Millennium." Here is what it says:

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Plain Truth MagazineFebruary 1956Vol XXI, No.2