Know The Answer?
Who am I: My son is the father of the dark skinned races. I was one of the longest serving ship builders in the world. For over a year I served as a zoo keeper.

Genesis 6-10

Mrs. Armstrong's Diary - Part III
Plain Truth Magazine
December 1956
Volume: Vol XXI, No.12
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Mrs. Armstrong's Diary - Part III
Loma D Armstrong  

In this third installment Mrs. Armstrong takes you to Jerusalem and "Calvary" - and to the very tomb from which Jesus rose from the dead! You'll also read about Megiddo and Rome. ...from the diary kept during their tour. The first two installments of Mrs. Armstrong's diary took us from England, across the historic Mediterranean Sea to Egypt, the land of the Pharaohs. From Cairo, Egypt, Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong and their son Dick journeyed to ancient Thebes and to the great pyramids. From there they flew to Bagdad in Iraq, near the site of ancient Babylon, now totally desolate. Then they journeyed to Damascus, where the apostle Paul was converted. The trip continued from there to Petra, the mysterious city of Rock - one of the marvels of the ancient world. Now comes the third and final installment with its many surprises!

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Plain Truth MagazineDecember 1956Vol XXI, No.12