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What is the shield in the Christian's armour?

Ephesians 6:16

Heart to Heart Talk with the Editor
Plain Truth Magazine
January 1957
Volume: Vol XXII, No.1
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Heart to Heart Talk with the Editor

A CERTAIN Church found itself suddenly in need of a new pastor, due to the accidental death of the man who had filled the pastorate for many years. The board of trustees met to consider two written applications just received. I wonder, if you were a member of this board, which of these applications you would be in favor of considering further, and which you would reject? Opening the first application, the chairman read to the board as follows: "Gentlemen: I am greatly distressed at the news of the death of your good pastor. Although I have for many years been the pastor of a very large and popular church of a different denomination, I have long been an admirer of your pastor. "Feeling that this regrettable vacancy in your pulpit offers opportunities of much greater scope for my talents, I hereby present to you my application for your consideration. My qualifications are many....

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Plain Truth MagazineJanuary 1957Vol XXII, No.1