Know The Answer?
Who ordered all the Jews to leave Rome?

Acts 18:2

Plain Truth Magazine
May 1957
Volume: Vol XXII, No.5
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Why do we need salvation? How do we get it? - and when? What do we receive when we do obtain it? Why do we find many RELIGIONS in the world? Some people today say that religion is merely a superstition. And others today spread propaganda that religion is the OPIATE of the people! But MOST of the people in the world embrace some ONE of the world's many religions! How many of them ever stop to ask, sanely and candidly, WHY? Why do they NEED religion - and what does it OFFER them? Of all the world's great religions, the ONLY one that offers forgiveness of SIN and SALVATION, is the Christian religion. The sin question, and the receiving of SALVATION is the very heart and center of the Christian religion.

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Plain Truth MagazineMay 1957Vol XXII, No.5