Know The Answer?
Can you recite the fourth commandment?
Remember the day Sabbath day to keep it holy.

Exodus 20:8

YOU Need Salvation!
Plain Truth Magazine
June 1957
Volume: Vol XXII, No.6
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YOU Need Salvation!

Are YOU under God's protection? Does HE consider you a "Christian"? You had better read this article to be sure! This world is teetering on the edge of OBLIVION. Thoughtful men everywhere are beginning to fear. We are now living in the shadow of violent death - hydrogen death. It could come any day or night. Any moment, any time. It could be unleashed by the tiniest political spark in a far distant land. Knowing all this has made people very restless. It has made them think seriously about many things - not the least of which is the hereafter. Increased Religious Interest This era of violence and potential world suicide has helped stimulate an increased interest in religion in the United States. Multitudes are thinking more and more about making peace with somebody, preferably God.

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Plain Truth MagazineJune 1957Vol XXII, No.6