Know The Answer?
Why was Queen Vashti deposed from her position?
For disobeying the king.

Esther 1:12

An OPEN LETTER on the Race Question
Plain Truth Magazine
January 1958
Volume: Vol XXIII, No.1
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An OPEN LETTER on the Race Question

Here is a challenging answer to a letter received in response to the previous article on the Race Question. We have received many wonderful letters from Negroes and Whites in response to this series on the RACE QUESTION. One letter from a Negro in Portland, Oregon, is outstanding. Here it is: "Dear Sir: "I have just finished reading your article on The African Negro. I must give you my comment on it. I found it to be right to the point and very true... "It has long been a wish of mine to go to Africa and teach, but I have never known how to go about obtaining a position. I am still longing to go - and after reading your article I would more than ever like to go now.

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Plain Truth MagazineJanuary 1958Vol XXIII, No.1