Know The Answer?
Where did men try to build a tower that would reach to heaven?

Genesis 11:4

THE SPACE AGE here's what it means!
Plain Truth Magazine
February 1958
Volume: Vol XXIII, No.2
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THE SPACE AGE here's what it means!

You were suddenly plummeted into the SPACE AGE with the launching of "Sputnik" on Oct. 4, 1957 - only to be horrified at the failure of the U.S. to launch its first satellite! Where will this space-race for survival end? You stand at this moment ON THE THRESHOLD of a frightful new age - the age of interplanetary travel! For the first time in recorded human history, the human mind has created an earth satellite. The next step will rocket man onto a space platform. Then man himself will DARE to journey through outer space! It is time you became informed of the terrifying significance behind this latest and boldest attempt of man to conquer the world and penetrate the universe!

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Plain Truth MagazineFebruary 1958Vol XXIII, No.2