Know The Answer?
To what animal did Nathan refer, in his parable to David?
A lamb.

II Samuel 12:3

Christians Have Lost Their POWER!
Plain Truth Magazine
June 1958
Volume: Vol XXIII, No.6
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Christians Have Lost Their POWER!

Probably YOU, too, are spiritually powerless! Here is the shocking TRUTH! Read WHY your prayers are not directly - miraculously - answered! The chances are that even you, if you believe you are a Christian, are today on mighty dangerous ground! You'd better STOP - and check up! Open your Bible! Take a look at the real Christians back in the days of Peter, John, and Paul - AND COMPARE! Take a look at the POWER in the original true Church - in the lives of those Christians. See how your life stacks up!

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Plain Truth MagazineJune 1958Vol XXIII, No.6