Know The Answer?
Why did Hannah agonize in prayer in worship at Shiloh?
She asked God for a son.

I Samuel 1:10-11

The SEVEN KEYS to understanding the Bible
Plain Truth Magazine
July 1959
Volume: Vol XXIV, No.7
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The SEVEN KEYS to understanding the Bible

Because of the requests of so many of our readers, we are again publishing this eye-opening article. Do you realize God has purposely closed much of the Holy Bible from human understanding, until now? Look at the pitiful spectacle! - hundreds of different sects and denominations, all confused and mixed up, each with its own different ideas, beliefs and practices - all disagreeing as to what the Bible says - none understanding its full true Message! WHY? Because none of them possesses the keys needed to open the doors to understanding, and therefore this spiritual Treasure house is closed to them.

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Plain Truth MagazineJuly 1959Vol XXIV, No.7