Know The Answer?
Why was King David not permitted to build the temple?
Because he was a warrior.

To Prospective Students of Ambassador College
Plain Truth Magazine
July 1959
Volume: Vol XXIV, No.7
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To Prospective Students of Ambassador College

A heart-to-heart talk with the President. Here are important things you ought to know. Fellows! girls!! I want to sit down right now and have an informal chat with you. I want to tell you a lot of things you ought to know - many of them never published before - about Ambassador College. You've heard me say a lot of things, over the air, about the happy, joyful, World Tomorrow. Well, there is one fantastically beautiful place on earth today where there is a fore-taste, right now, of that very state! Students on this campus will tell you that place is the Ambassador College campus! I am not exaggerating when I tell you that I sincerely believe there is no other place on earth like it. No other place on earth where young people of college age are as happy - where they live as abundantly, as enjoyably! There is a REASON for this. I will tell you later in this little chat what it is.

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Plain Truth MagazineJuly 1959Vol XXIV, No.7