Know The Answer?
In which book of the Bible do we read of the battle of Jericho?

Where Will You Be 15 Years from Now?
Plain Truth Magazine
January 1960
Volume: Vol XXV, No.1
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Where Will You Be 15 Years from Now?

World-renowned scientists are frightened by the prospect that man will blast himself out of existence in 15 years - unless a force outside of man's control intervenes! You need to know what's coming for your own protection! France is planning to enter the atomic and hydrogen race this spring. German money and scientific know - how is developing this new project! Scientists now admit the world is madly racing on to the catastrophic climax of 6000 years of misguided human civilization! How will it end? Where will you be 15 years from now?

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Plain Truth MagazineJanuary 1960Vol XXV, No.1