Know The Answer?
Which book describes the Feast of Pentecost for Israel?
Leviticus 23

Choose You This Day...
Plain Truth Magazine
April 1960
Volume: Vol XXV, No.4
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Choose You This Day...

YOU are one of millions who have been hearing God's TRUTH over The World Tomorrow, reading it in The Plain Truth, or studying it in the Correspondence Course. Here, now, is the challenging choice God places squarely before you! And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world as a witness unto all nations, and then shall the end come!" (Matt. 24:14.) These striking words, pronounced by Jesus Christ over 1900 years ago, are being fulfilled - Now! Jesus plainly said there will be a WORK OF GOD on this earth, in your day.

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Plain Truth MagazineApril 1960Vol XXV, No.4