Know The Answer?
When did Timothy begin to learn the scriptures?
From childhood.

II Timothy 3:15

Should You Be Baptized?
Plain Truth Magazine
April 1961
Volume: Vol XXVI, No.4
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Should You Be Baptized?

Here is a frank article about YOUR life - your FUTURE! If announces baptizing tours to be sent this summer from Ambassador College" Read it - and think carefully. A shocking press dispatch cites Commander P. N. Seatles of the Navy "leadership field team'' as warning in blunt terms of a danger very few seem willing to face: "Young Americans who 'don't believe in their country, don't believe in their families, don't believe in God, don't believe in churches, don't believe in anything were attacked here Wednesday by a visiting Navy official - who warned that America may have only 15 years left as a major power," Most "modern" Americans - and their counterparts in other nations - no longer believe in a REAL God" Therefore they are without any real purpose in their lives. Their spiritual and moral values are very hazily defined and, in many cases, almost nonexistent. Thus, as this Navy official stated: "America may have only 15 years left as a major power." But what about YOU? What about your personal future during the next 15 years?

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Plain Truth MagazineApril 1961Vol XXVI, No.4