Know The Answer?
What two officers of his court did Pharoah put in prison?
The baker and the butler.

Genesis 40

The SEVEN LAWS of SUCCESS - Installment III
Plain Truth Magazine
June 1961
Volume: Vol XXVI, No.6
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The SEVEN LAWS of SUCCESS - Installment III

WHY do most people end their lives in poverty? WHY are the financially successful really unsuccessful? The paradox is explained by the all-important SEVENTH LAW! CONCLUDING INSTALLMENT. What chance have YOU? No wonder millions of young people throw up their hands in frustration. No wonder there is talk of this "beat generation," Here's all people can see: A divided world, ready to blow up any minute in a NUCLEAR Armageddon! All but very few, by age 60 or 65, finishing life as dependents, no longer able to provide even their own living! And the very few "successful" leading discontented, empty lives, soon to leave behind them all that they have acquired.

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Plain Truth MagazineJune 1961Vol XXVI, No.6