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Esther 2:17

The Bible Story - Mob Attacks Moses
Plain Truth Magazine
February 1962
Volume: Vol XXVII, No.2
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The Bible Story - Mob Attacks Moses

Suddenly the mob closed in, pressing the guards against the underpinning of the platform. A few small stones shot out of the crowd and bounced off the platform, where Moses, Aaron, Joshua, and Caleb stood. Those who attempted to hurl heavier stones were hampered by the surging mass of human beings. A few men managed to squirm past the guards and climb onto the platform. They crouched around the four figures who were already there, eyeing them threateningly. It was evident that these intruders were waiting for more to join them for the purpose of seizing Caleb, Joshua, Moses and Aaron. At that instant a blinding Rash came from inside the tabernacle. Even though the curtains of the structure veiled its full brilliance, the brightness was so intense that people were temporarily blinded. A moment later an ear-splitting roar rumbled out of the tabernacle.

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Plain Truth MagazineFebruary 1962Vol XXVII, No.2