Know The Answer?
After Solomon died who ruled over Judah?

I Kings 12

The ANSWER to Increasing Mental Sickness!
Plain Truth Magazine
June 1962
Volume: Vol XXVII, No.6
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The ANSWER to Increasing Mental Sickness!

Why are ONE-HALF of all hospital beds occupied by the mentally sick? Why, despite latest methods, is the number of mentally deranged constantly increasing? What is the real SOLUTION? AMERICA and Britain are now beginning to feel the full impact of a new, modern-day PLAGUE. For while we hear talk of progress and increased knowledge in every field, we also need to face the FACT that more people are literally losing their minds in our "civilization" than ever before in recorded human history! The shocking book, Every Other Bed, by Mike Gorman, Executive Director of the National Association of Mental Health, took its title from the statistical FACT that one-half of ALL hospital beds in the U.S. are now occupied by mental patients. It is estimated that one American out of every ten is destined to become a mental patient during his lifetime! WHY? Yes, why should this situation exist in our supposedly "advanced" society?

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Plain Truth MagazineJune 1962Vol XXVII, No.6