Know The Answer?
Which prophet was shown a valley of dead men's bones?

Ezekiel 37

Personal from the Editor
Plain Truth Magazine
September 1962
Volume: Vol XXVII, No.9
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Personal from the Editor

Personal from Herbert W Armstrong - Two INCIDENTS - an article I read in a magazine, and a news item seen on the TV news, provoked this little personal talk with our readers. First, was the story of Charles Van Doren and the television scandal about the rigging of the quiz show "Twenty-One." Although Charles Van Doren's mind was well filled with factual knowledge about this world - its history, geography, literature, art, governments, and events - he was, to a considerable extent, fed the answers in advance to the questions he was going to be asked. Everything was rehearsed. He was thoroughly drilled, before appearing on the program, in how to hesitate, close his eyes as if intense mental concentration, bite his lip, mop his brow, then snap a finger as if the answer had suddenly come to him. He was instructed to come up with a wrong answer once in a while, on an easy question the answer to which most of the listening audience would know - just for the effect of flattering the unsuspecting viewers.

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Plain Truth MagazineSeptember 1962Vol XXVII, No.9