Know The Answer?
Name the woman in Jericho who hid the spies in her house.

Joshua 2:3

Which DAY Is the Christian Sabbath? - Installment III
Plain Truth Magazine
November 1962
Volume: Vol XXVII, No.11
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Which DAY Is the Christian Sabbath? - Installment III

Was the Sabbath given for Jews only? Is it binding today on Jews, but not on Gentiles? Does it make any difference which day, or whether kept? It certainly is true - by the fourth century Sunday had come to be observed as the "Christian Lord's Day," superseding the seventh-day Sabbath. But WHY? By what authority? It was stated before that it is obvious all do not recognize the same authority. For there are those, even today, who say the Sabbath is still binding, and that it is SIN to profane it by non-observance. But if so, by what authority? WHO has authority to determine SIN and enforce its penalty? Sabbath observance has been the most controversial question in professing Christian ranks for 18 1/2 centuries. Such a question, involving SIN, becomes a matter of life or death - your life or death for ETERNITY!

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Plain Truth MagazineNovember 1962Vol XXVII, No.11