Know The Answer?
How did Pilate try to show that he was not responsible for Jesus' death?
Washed his hands.

Matthew 27:24

Personal from the Editor
Plain Truth Magazine
June 1963
Volume: Vol XXVIII, No.6
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Personal from the Editor

Personal from Herbert W Armstrong - LOOK at what is INCREASING today! Knowledge is increasi1tg! But so are troubles in the world! Toothpaste production is increasing. So is tooth decay. In cities everywhere child-welfare organizations are springing up. So, like-wise, is illegitimacy. The number of psychiatrists shows a rapid increase. Bur mental cases increase more rapidly. Scientific and technological know-how mushrooms. So does the threat to the existence of human life on this planet. Peace Conferences are occurring more frequently than ever before. But world violence, cold war, and threat of world cosmocide mount even faster. The INCREASE in man's plans and efforts toward peace, human welfare, good health, are not bringing the world closer to these desired ends.

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Plain Truth MagazineJune 1963Vol XXVIII, No.6