Know The Answer?
What special thing did David want to do for God?
Build God a house.

II Samuel 7

The Autobiography of Herbert W Armstrong - Installment 64
Plain Truth Magazine
April 1964
Volume: Vol XXIX, No.4
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The Autobiography of Herbert W Armstrong - Installment 64

We become frightened at T.V. popularity - cancel ABC Network, plunge into television. "We're in the movies, now!" By 1955 television had become the popular craze in the United States. That year there were some 43 million television sets in the United States. That year the manufacture of T.V. sets hit its all-time peak in America -7,800,000 sets manufactured. Suddenly we became frightened. Almost in a panic, we decided to make a frantic dash to put The WORLD TOMORROW on television - before radio went completely dead.

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Plain Truth MagazineApril 1964Vol XXIX, No.4