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What woman killed a man by driving a tent peg through his head?

Judges 4:21

The Challenge of a Lifetime... Ambassador Colleges Demand EXCELLENCE!
Plain Truth Magazine
April 1964
Volume: Vol XXIX, No.4
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The Challenge of a Lifetime... Ambassador Colleges Demand EXCELLENCE!

Education faces a frightful crisis! It is producing hydrogen bombs and space weapons - yet fails to instill moral values in world leaders to prevent WORLD SUICIDE! In a world of mounting FAILURES in schools and colleges, THREE pioneer colleges set the pace for the WORLD TOMORROW! Noted educators throw up their hands! They admit the fateful downward plunge in morals the dangerous drift into materialism the FAILURE of schools and college, to develop leaders in whose hands nuclear weapons would be SAFE for humanity. "But what can we do?" they cry, "We're in the grip of a vicious TREND! We're helpless to change it. We're powerless to arrest this downward plunge toward the suicide of all humanity!"

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Plain Truth MagazineApril 1964Vol XXIX, No.4