De Gaulle and the Next World War
Plain Truth Magazine
September 1964
Volume: Vol XXIX, No.9
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De Gaulle and the Next World War

French President De Gaulle has exalted France to "great power" status. He has publicly downgraded the U.S. Where will De Gaulle's dreams of grandeur lead? As I write these lines in a Paris hotel n room, before me lies a copy of Paris Match, one of France's leading magazines. In the eyes of the world, France is and always has been - a great country. She has made an astonishing "comeback" since the German armies left her soil some twenty years ago. And today, she has once again regained her leading role in Europe. But just bow "great" is France today? How do people live here? What's their standard of living?

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Plain Truth MagazineSeptember 1964Vol XXIX, No.9