Know The Answer?
What city did Jesus sorrowfully call the "city that kills the prophets?"

Luke 13:34

And Now - A New World Calendar?
Plain Truth Magazine
December 1964
Volume: Vol XXIX, No.12
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And Now - A New World Calendar?

Unreported on the front pages of daily newspapers is a startling new calendar revision - a change that would abolish the weekly cycle, and alter the day of worship! Vatican Council II has voted its willingness to consider it. Vatican council II, in its third session, has spoken out on a proposed universal World Calendar. Surprised, the United Press and Associated Press flashed this report: "The cardinals, patriarchs, archbishops and bishops attending the assembly - by a vote of 2057 to 4...agreed the Council should declare it does not oppose a new perpetual calendar, provided other Christian churches accept it and provided it retains a seven-day week, including Sunday..." Never before has the church spoken so plainly on calendar reform. "The Church would not draw up the calendar reforms, but would leave it to civil authorities," concluded the report. The Council also approved the idea of establishing a fixed date for Easter. Not since the Council of Nicaea, A.D. 325, has such a far-reaching change been proposed.

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Plain Truth MagazineDecember 1964Vol XXIX, No.12