Know The Answer?
When the disciples discovered they had forgotten to take bread, what did Jesus warn them about twice?
Leaven of the Pharisees.

Matthew 16:6-11

Hitler's Germany to Rise AGAIN?
Plain Truth Magazine
May 1965
Volume: Vol XXX, No.5
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Hitler's Germany to Rise AGAIN?

Events now taking place behind the scenes in Europe spell trouble for U.S. and Britain! In this shocking sequel to last month's article on Hitler, we give you the MEANING of these undercover preparations for a third World War! Did you know that recent investigations now indicate that Adolf Hitler may still be ALIVE? Did you read in the March issue of The Reader's Digest (U.S. edition) that Martin Bormann, Hitler's fanatic Deputy Fuehrer, is officially admitted to be alive? That he is directing a vast Nazi underground extending from Germany to such South American countries as Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay and Chile? That it also has powerful tentacles in Egypt, Spain and Portugal?

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Plain Truth MagazineMay 1965Vol XXX, No.5