Know The Answer?
What did the man with one talent do with it?
He buried it.

Matthew 25:18

Good News Magazine
June 1951
Volume: Vol I, No. 2
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THOUSANDS of you we fully realize, long for local churches of God to be established in your various localities. We know how you feel. How great is the need for a place where you can fellowship and meet regularly with those who know and love and follow the same TRUTH you hear on The World Tomorrow program and read in The Plain Truth and The Good News. One of the purposes in founding Ambassador College was to train a God-called ministry for this purpose. We are now nearing the time when this activity may be started. Yet we must keep constantly in mind that the Great Commission - "Preach the Gospel to all nations" - together with our special calling to warn our Israelitish nations of prophesied punishment for their sins - is of first importance....

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Good News MagazineJune 1951Vol I, No. 2