The eleventh chapter of I Corinthians has been a puzzle to many. Some believe that Paul taught women to wear veils, hats, uncut hair or just long hair. Still others today teach that what Paul wrote here is not suitable for us today. What is the truth? Before a direct answer, let's get the facts straight. Was it common for women to wear veils in public places of worship in Paul's day? Smith's Dictionary of the Bible, article Veil gives us the answer. "With regard to the use of the veil, it is important to observe that it was by no means so general as in modern times (at the turn of the century in the Near East).... Much of the scrupulousness in respect to the use of the veil dates from the promulgation of the Koran (the seventh century A.D.).... In ancient times, the veil was adopted only in exceptional cases, either as an article of ornamental dress... or by betrothed maidens in the presence of their husbands, especially at the time of the wedding... or by women of loose character for purposes of concealment (Gen. 38:14). But generally speaking, women both married and unmarried appeared in public with their faces exposed, both among the Jews... and among the Egyptians and Assyrians, as proved by the invariable absence of the veil in the sculpture and paintings of these peoples." It was not customary for women to wear veils in Paul's day. It is interesting to note that the church of Revelation 17, the fountain head of harlotry, commands its women to wear coverings over shaven heads in religious orders. What Paul meant is this: as man is head of woman, it is improper for men to have coverings as a symbol of subjection (long hair in the Nazarite vow is a token of subjection for a special time to God); but it is appropriate for women to have a covering of their subjection to man. "Her hair is given her for a covering." It is shameful for men to have long hair, but if a woman have long hair it is a glory to her. Paul, under inspiration, speaks of long hair as the covering, not some hat, veil or piece of cloth. Paul does not mean, as some say, that because women have long hair, which nature teaches is proper, that they should wear something over their hair. No, instead, he says that not only he teaches, but "doth not even nature itself teach you, that... if a woman have long hair, it is a glory to her: for her hair is given her for a covering." Because long hair is mentioned, some are afraid to cut their hair at all. The text doesn't read uncut hair, it reads long hair. Any head of hair, even though cut, if it be long enough to look feminine and honorable, is appropriate. There is no definite Bible length, save that it appear as a glory to woman. If a woman wants to wear her hair cut so short as to look like a man, then she ought to be shorn or shaven, the symbol of a fallen woman. Men wearing long hair, a fad with the younger generation, is effeminate and no effeminate man shall inherit God's Kingdom.
Does Ezekiel 38 and 39 Mean An Invasion of Canada and the United States by Russia?
This question was extensively answered in the November, 1948 issue of the Plain Truth. These chapters do not picture such an invasion. Those who mistakenly claim so, must cast away all the preceding thirty-seven chapters of Ezekiel. The prophecy is a warning against the House of Israel (Ez.3:4-7) of a coming invasion, which has not occurred since the days of the prophet. It must then lie in the future now soon to occur. Ezekiel 5:12 warns our people that two thirds of Israel shall die of war famine and contagious diseases. Isaiah 47:6-9 states that modern Babylon, a union of ten nations of Europe, not Russia will crush our people in slavery. Ezekiel thirty-four brings the story flow of the entire book to the resurrection of David and the second coming of Jesus Christ to rule the nations at which time our people are to be delivered (Jer. 30:3-9). The next chapters describe Israel and Judah dwelling safely in Palestine after being "gathered out of the nations" (Ez. 38:12). It is now, after the second coming of Christ, with Israel obeying God in the land of Palestine, that Russia and her oriental hordes come to take a prey from defenseless cities. God shall destroy them, putting an end to rebellious nations after which people will not learn war any more. IF WE LEAVE OUR CHURCH, WHAT ARE WE TO DO IN THE WAY OF WORSHIPPING? HOW CAN WE FEEL FREE TO CALL ON OUR FORMER PASTOR WHEN IN NEED OF ADVICE? This problem is fundamental. We are commanded by God in many places to be separate (2 Cor. 6:14-18), to be no part of the world which has its own religious masquerading as Christian (John 17:16). If we are baptized into the church of God by the Holy Spirit (I Cor. 12:13), then we can not be part of another church. Assuming that we have been obedient thus far, by leaving this present religious system and coming to God, are we to fellowship this world's denominations because there is no place to worship with the people of God? NO! Why? First, most churches do not hold public services on the day God set apart for worship from the creation. We would be sinning when meeting weekly on any day than is designated by the fourth commandment! Second, we are to assemble with those of like faith, having the same Spirit. Hebrews 10:25 uses the expression "our selves" meaning true saints. God realizes, however, that many of His people are able to worship Him only in truth and spirit. He is with us just the same no matter how many or how few. And He has provided through the Radio Church of God ways in which many who are separated can come for advice in trouble and receive God's reply! Above all through prayer and Bible study God bestows upon us the wisdom we need to comprehend the will of God perfectly. See James 1:5; 2 Tim 2:15, 3:16. We are not to go to the devil's churches nor to his ministers for advice on those things which pertain to God. We must separate ourselves from them and their errors. Instead we come to those whom God has set as shepherds of the flock for the advice we need. We should still, however, show love to those of the world although they be enemies for the gospel's sake.
Should We Sell Dogs and Tithe the Income Therefrom?
The text often quoted to prove that dogs should not be sold is Deuteronomy 23:18: "Thou shalt not bring the hire of a whore, or the price of a dog into the house of the Lord thy God for my vow: for even both these are abomination unto the Lord thy God." The only thing this text says is that the price or value, nor the tithe of the price, is not to be given for I vow. Job 30:1 indicates that God does not frown upon the value of good dogs. They serve many indispensable functions in the farming and hunting world. An income from sale of a dog is not wrong. What Moses meant is this: An Israelite who vows, and it is better not to vow unnecessarily (Ecc. 5:5), was to give a clean animal as a sacrificial payment. A dog is an unclean animal, not fit for food. Although Israelites later did offer dogs (Isaiah 66:3), God refused to accept them. A dog is not a symbol of Jesus Christ as is the sheep or other clean animal.
What Should I Do If My Husband Will Not Tithe? I Have No Money of My Own
This problem arises often where God has nor revealed His truth to all the members of the family. The tithe is the tenth of your increase, not of anothers. That is his responsibility. Unless a wife earns or is given money of her own, whatever food, clothing and other articles she uses is what her husband earns as head of the home. It is his place to pay that tithe, but he must not be forced to do so. A wife should tithe that which is her own.